Affiliation Agreement with Cedarville University
This Post-Graduate Affiliation Agreement outlines a mutually beneficial agreement in which Cedarville University (Cedarville, Ohio) will offer preferred status to students of Columbia International University who enroll in professional healthcare programs at Cedarville. Cedarville provides professional healthcare master’s- and doctoral-level degree programs that are delivered with academic excellence and a biblical worldview. Programs are regionally and professionally accredited and are offered in flexible and accelerated formats. Cedarville’s Graduate School offers the following professional healthcare programs:
- Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.), including a Pharm.D.+M.B.A. dual degree option — residential
- Master of Medical Science in PA Studies (M.M.Sc.–PA) — residential
CEDARVILLE UNIVERSITY will provide preferred admission status and enrollment benefits to graduates of Columbia International who seek to enroll in a Cedarville professional healthcare program, as outlined by program below:
Master of Medical Science — PA Studies (M.M.Sc.–PA) — PREFERRED ADMISSION REVIEW
The PA program at Cedarville will provide Preferred Admission Review for all candidates from Columbia International University who meet .
Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) — GUARANTEED INTERVIEW
The School of Pharmacy will reserve three seats in each available cohort (until April 1) for candidates from Columbia international University who meet . Additional seats will be offered on a space-available basis.
PharmD candidates will receive the following preferred admission benefits:
- Guaranteed interview for admission and scholarships with visit expenses for visit/shadow/interview reimbursed up to $500 (receipts required).
- Coupon to offset the PharmCAS fee.
- $30,000 tuition scholarship (pending admission to the PharmD program) as follows:
- $15,000 year one
- $5,000 year two
- $5,000 year three
- $5,000 year four
- Assigned Faculty Advisor at time of acceptance
- Assignment of Peer Mentor
- Invitation to all pharmacy student functions
- If the student has not already satisfied the Bible prerequisite requirement prior to enrollment at Cedarville, the School of Pharmacy will provide a full scholarship for the student to complete BTGS-6100 Biblical and Theological Foundations for Graduate Study.
For more information and details of the agreement, please contact Dr. David DeWitt.